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Team Building
Weight Loss Competitions
and Health & Wellness Challenges

When we're hard at work, it's easy to neglect our health.


Do something positive for your employees that they'll never forget.

Workplace Offerings

Team Building Weight Loss Competitions

"alleate accountability" Enterprise Packages

About Me.

Hi there, my name is Melissa. I grew up overweight in a family with a history of diabetes and obesity. About a decade ago, I went from struggling to lose weight year-after-year to effortlessly losing 75 pounds in one. After a cycle of regaining and losing weight in my 20's, I spent time pondering the difference between my unsuccessful vs. successful attempts at losing weight. I realized the one thing that made all of it “click” and the one thing that glued it all together– effective accountability.


With this finding, my background in Psychology, and my unconditional understanding for those who struggle with being overweight, I discovered a passion for helping others reach the same success with weight loss that I had.


I've led weight loss competitions both in the workplace and amongst friends. Those who have participated lost anywhere from 10-30 pounds in the span of 1-3 months. They built a sense of camaraderie, experienced a boost in energy, exuded a new revival for life, and had something exciting to look forward to every week. 


Discover how hosting a weight loss competition at your workplace will benefit your team.

Participants can expect to lose anywhere from 5-10 lbs. in one month, or about 24 lbs. in three.

Weight Loss Competition
Benefits for Your Team

Increased physical health
and greater life expectancy

Decreased medical bills and 
fewer chronic health conditions

 Better mental health and 
overall life satisfaction

More energy, confidence, 
and greater productivity

Closer teams, more camaraderie, and boosted office morale

Greater appreciation for you and the perks you offer your team 

What you get with alleate:

Security & Confidentiality

A system designed to collect and house your team's sensitive biometric and weight loss data that they wouldn't want to share with their peers

Dedicated Support

Continuous support from a designated alleate team member

Weekly Reporting

Ongoing analysis and weekly reports of contestants' placements (with customizable metrics)


Discounted enterprise rates for "alleate accountability" memberships for your team

Fist Bump

 Improve your team's lives today.

Don't wait. Book a call with me

to learn more about our Team Building Weight Loss Competitions and to see if alleate accountability is right for your team.

Have any questions?
Send us an email

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