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alleate accountability
your weight loss accountability buddy

+ Cut out the expensive and complicated middleman.

+ Be guaranteed to lose weight using the simplest, most proven, and most efficient methods.

+ Get the freedom to do your diet your way.

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Alleate Accountability Membership

Take out the fluff and confusion of ineffective programs and expensive, overbearing coaches.

Focus on the bottom line, bring flexibility into your diet, and target the one thing that makes weight loss really flow.


Join today to receive reliable support along your weight loss journey.

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FREE 22 Weight Loss & Mindset Tips

alleate takes a no-drama, realistic, and scientific approach to weight loss to make losing weight feel simpler, predictable, and more inevitable.



This FREE mini guide will give you some quick tips to effectively lose weight and adjust your mindset around weight loss so you can start shedding the pounds today.

14-day FREE Trial
Money-Back Guarantee

This is right for you if:

  • you want to lose weight but you struggle with the "how"

  • you constantly try different diet tactics hoping one will finally work

  • you diet M-F but undo all your work on the weekends

  • you're afraid of using a complicated health program or an expensive, overbearing coach

  • you're frustrated and praying tomorrow you'll wake up with the "willpower" to finally succeed

  • you don't know why you just can't stay consistent and honest with your diet

  • you've tried turning a friend into a diet or gym buddy, but it never works out

Why choose this over other coaches or programs?
  • alleate is streamlined accountability that cuts out the fluff to reach your bottom line: losing the weight

  • it's 5-10x cheaper than hiring a private health coach, but is more efficient for weight loss

  • we employ the repetition of a few easy habits for guaranteed weight loss success

  • alleate capitalizes on your human nature to perform when you know someone else is invested in your success

  • we offer a natural, simplified approach that removes confusion around how weight loss actually works

  • alleate allows you the flexibility to do your diet your way and removes any guilt around eating

  • we can still support you even if you are using your own diet or exercise regimen

On average, members of alleate accountability can expect to lose
around 2 pounds a week, or 5-10 pounds every month.

This can amount to 15-25 pounds after 3 months and 30-50 pounds after 6 months.
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How the membership works:

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To implement the repetition of one easy "anchor habit," you will join a brief 5-min check-in during the weekdays (several options offered daily, besides major holidays).

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During these weekday check-ins and on weekends, you will answer a short questionnaire to check in with your efforts, mindset, and progress, including your daily nutrition targets and weekly weight.

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We know you are busy, so each meeting is strategically planned to only be 5-10 minutes long, making it excessively easy to fit into your day. 

Camera on, camera off, pajamas on, or on a walk– show up however you want.

These check-ins are for you, to remind you what your goals are, and to keep you honest with yourself. Showing up is showing up for yourself, and we will ensure that you do.

Why this works...

Consider all the times you've accomplished something that took a lot of work and effort.

How many of those times were for school, for work, or for something that would be presented to others (e.g., a report you start the night before it's due)?

Why is your home always cleanest right before guests come over?

Why are we more likely to run a 5K if we sign up with friends?


The simple answer:

Humans work better when they know others are watching.


We perform when we have others to answer to.

It's just human nature. alleate helps you use this to your advantage.

Aerobics Class
Daily Check-in Options
Monday - Friday


All times in Phoenix-Mountain Standard Time


3:00 PM - Onboarding Call

3:30 PM - Check-in

4:00 PM - Check-in

4:30 PM - Check-in

5:00 PM - Check-in

5:30 PM - Check-in

6:00 PM - Onboarding Call

Excludes most major holidays and some blackout days.

Times are subject to change.

Optional Flexible Nutrition Target

More Veggies, More Fruit, More Freedom

If you want more flexibility in what you eat or you're just not a fan of traditional calorie counting, alleate provides you the option to choose an alternative tracking method, using an adjusted daily nutrition target.


This adjusted target is designed to simplify calorie counting, to make tracking more effective, and to add more nutrition & satisfaction into your daily diet.


It also allows you to have more control over what you eat and the freedom to eat an abundance of untracked fruits & veggies.*


alleate can support you if you're tracking traditional calories or this adjusted daily unit. If you're using a different nutrition metric, like carbs or other macros, you can still benefit from our accountability support.**


*Some fruit and vegetable limitations apply
**We can only guarantee calories or the adjusted daily nutrition target

that we provide for you



12-Month Savings Plan


Good for those who want to lose 60-100 lbs

14-day FREE trial


6-Month Savings Plan


Good for those who want to lose 30-50 lbs

14-day FREE trial


3-Month Savings Plan


Good for those who want to lose 15-25 lbs

14-day FREE trial


Standard Monthly Membership


Good for those who want to lose 5-10 lbs monthly

14-day FREE trial

Money-Back Guarantee

We do not want your money if you are showing up for yourself and you are still not losing any weight. If you attend 90% of your daily check-ins over the duration of your subscription period and fill out your daily check-in questionnaires and you still do not lose any weight, you will get your money back, guaranteed.*


*Terms and conditions apply

If you try diet after diet and wonder why you just can’t seem to lose weight, let’s take the confusion out of it.


There are many varying approaches to weight loss, but there is no need to overcomplicate it. Losing weight may not seem easy, but it is simple: meet your daily nutrition & activity goals...

But if it were that simple, no one would struggle, right?

About me.

As the motivator for founding alleate, I fully understand the struggle as I have been through it many times myself. I dieted year after year with no success, until one day when I came to a life-changing realization.


About a decade ago, I went from struggling to lose weight for years to effortlessly losing 75 lbs in one year. After a cycle of regaining and losing weight in my 20's, I spent time pondering the difference between my unsuccessful vs. successful attempts at losing weight. I realized the one thing that made all of it “click” and the one thing that glued it all together. 


That one thing? Effective accountability.


I had to correct my mindset around losing weight, but the right kind of accountability is what really led me to success and turned losing weight into a flow of "effortless effort." Good accountability obligates you to succeed.


With my background in Psychology and my unconditional understanding for those who struggle with being overweight, I've led groups of friends and colleagues to lose 20-30+ lbs in the past. Now I'm expanding my support to share what I've learned and want to help you.


to gain some clarity on your mental obstacles,

to simplify the process of dieting,

and to finally lose the weight,

sign up for an alleate accountability membership

to receive support along your weight loss journey.

  • What is the alleate accountability membership?
    alleate accountability is a membership-only service to provide you support and accountability throughout your weight loss journey. We host brief daily check-ins via Zoom for you and your alleate community. Throughout your journey, an accountability coach will make sure you show up for your check-ins, fill out your daily questionnaires, and will ensure you are committed to your weight loss goals.
  • Can I join alleate accountability if I am pregnant, underweight, or under the age of 18?
    No. alleate accountability is not designed for those who are pregnant, underweight, or under the age of 18.
  • Can I join alleate accountability if I am using a weight loss method other than calorie counting or tracking Pipsâ„¢?
    If you would like to sign up for an alleate accountability membership and use a weight loss method other than calorie counting or tracking Pipsâ„¢, you may; however, we cannot guarantee your weight loss nor provide the same support if you do. You will still be able to benefit from the daily check-ins and questionnaires. Note: If you use a weight loss method other than calorie counting or tracking Pipsâ„¢, you will not be eligible for our Money-Back Guarantee.
  • What are Pipsâ„¢ and how do they work?
    Pips™ are a uniquely-formulated unit of measurement used to track the foods and drinks you consume daily. They were designed to make tracking more precise than counting calories. Your daily Pips™ allowance is calculated using alleate's online Pips™ Allowance Calculator. It allows you to eat untracked fruits and veggies, bringing more flexibility and nutrition into your diet. Some fruit and vegetable limitations apply. Converting calories to Pips™ is easy so you can still utilize tools like MyFitnessPal or online calorie menus to figure out the nutrition content of your food. All alleate members can choose to track their food in either calories or Pips™— whichever works best for you.
  • Can I join alleate if I have diabetes or another health concern?
    alleate recommends that all participants check with their doctors before engaging in any weight loss program. It is your responsibility to adhere to the recommendations made by your healthcare provider.
  • What questions are on the daily questionnaire?
    The daily questionnaire will contain just a handful of questions that are purposefully designed to address the underlying obstacles you might typically encounter when losing weight. It will bring forward the truth of your efforts and progress to the forefront of your mind so that you can get out of your own way and finally lose the weight. We will also enquire a few data points to follow your progress, such as your daily calorie log and a weekly weigh-in. You will fill out the questionnaire 7 days a week, including weekends.
  • Do I have to show up to every check-in?
    If you are signed up for one of our memberships, you should attend one check-in every weekday throughout the entirety of your membership. These check-ins are for you, to keep you accountable to your weight loss goals. Not attending them only hinders you and your progress. Note: To qualify for our Money-Back Guarantee, you must attend 90% or more of your daily check-ins and fill out all of your daily questionnaires during your subscription period.
  • What is alleate?
    alleate is a streamlined weight loss support system, created to help others lose weight by providing accountability and simplifying the process for you. We currently offer this support through the alleate accountability program.
  • Do I need my video and microphone on during check-ins?
    All microphones of the alleate community members will be muted during the check-ins. You can turn your video on during the calls so that only the alleate accountability coach can see your beautiful face; however, video is not required. Rest-assured, only the alleate accountability coach, and no other members of the alleate community, will be able to see your video during each call. Your name will still be visible to the other members, so it is recommended to change your name before the meeting if you want to conceal your identity.
  • How do the check-ins work?
    The accountability check-ins are daily Zoom calls and are 5-10 minutes each. They are strategically short to conveniently fit in your day. We offer several options each weekday for you to choose from, but it is best for you to attend the same check-in time every day. Check-ins are M-F only and they are not held on most major holidays. Any other black-out days will be announced in advance. During the check-in, an alleate accountability coach will discuss some weight loss tips and best practices. You will also be asked to fill out your daily check-in questionnaire during the call. Show up to your check-ins and fill out your questionnaires as we will be checking to make sure you do.
  • Where can I find alleate's Privacy Policy, Notice of Privacy Practices, and Terms and Conditions?
    If you're on a desktop or mobile browser, you can find these by clicking one of the applicable links in the footer of the page. Otherwise, you can access them here:

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